Despite us humans making so much progress over centuries we often neglect the fact that we share this world with various unique species that deserve our respect. Humans evolved from Monkeys and definitely had to adapt a lot faster to survive the harsh realities and dangers around them. So first of all “big ups” to the few humans who have made things a lot easier for us all. From Edison to Jobs to Jay Z to the dudes who came up with Atari, seriously God bless!
That being said we should be the protectors of other species that are adapting slower than us, but instead we ruin entire habitats, kill for sport and profit off tragedy.
This website has some sketches that will hopefully make readers empathize with the plight of different species that share our planet. It should also shed some light on some very inhumane and illogical behavior that needs to be altered. As far as we have come some of the atrocities we commit are insane.
FULL DISCLOSURE- I am by no means a hardcore vegetarian, In fact I’m probably the opposite but I do not believe in killing for sport and recreation. If a Tiger attacks me I will defend myself and if that Tiger gets hurt or killed in the process its justifiable. But lets be honest 90% of us would be shredded to bits in seconds.(Exception DiCaprio from the Revenant- that dude is Cre!).
Humans are curious creatures that have risen to the top of the food chain, but "with great power comes great responsibility", Ben Parker Spiderman. Respect is a word that carries a lot of weight. We must respect the world we live in and species within it. (Got real Deep)
Please enjoy the flipside- My attempt at thought provoking humor.